Most Commonly Used Forms — WHATLEY LAW FIRM


Family Law Attorneys Serving Contra Costa County

Whatley Law Firm is a divorce and family law firm in Martinez, California serving Contra Costa County. We are dedicated to providing a gentle transition for families who are undergoing legal and personal changes. We work to deliver real and relevant solutions for your family, so that you can remove the focus from your problems and begin to create a life that reflects the needs of the people for whom you care. We are the Family Law/Divorce Law firm that considers your best interests first.  


In our experience, these are the most commonly-used family law forms.  Another great resource is the California Courts website, where you can browse for other forms not included on our site. 

Forms are no longer available at the Spinetta Family Law Courthouse. If you prefer to obtain the forms in person, you can visit the Contra Costa County Law Library:

A. F. Bray Courts Building, 1020 Ward Street, First Floor Martinez, California 94553

Phone: (925) 646-2783

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays

Divorce/Legal Separation:

  1. FL-100:  Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation, and Nullity
  2. FL-110:  Summons
  3. FL-105:  Declaration under UCCJEA (must file if children are involved)
  4. FL-160:  Property Declaration
  5. FL-120:  Response (Marriage)

Request for Orders ("filing a motion"):

  1. FL-300:  Request for Orders
  2. FL-311:  Child Custody and Visitation Attachment
  3. FL-157:  Spousal or Partner Support Declaration Attachment
  4. FL-319:  Request for Attorney Fees and Costs Attachment
  5. FL-158:  Supporting Declaration for Attorney Fees and Costs
  6. FL-320:  Responsive Declaration

Child Support:

  1. FL-192:  Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures)
  2. FL-420:  Declaration of Payment History
  3. FL-421:  Payment History Attachment

Paternity Cases:

  1. FL-200:  Petition to Establish Parental Relationship (Uniform Parentage)
  2. FL-210:  Summons (Uniform Parentage-Petition for Custody and Support)
  3. FL-220:  Response to Petition to Establish Parental Relationship (Uniform Parentage)

Financial Forms:

  1. FL-140:  Declaration of Disclosure (do not file with the court)
  2. FL-141:  Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure and Income and Expense Declaration
  3. FL-142:  Schedule of Assets and Debts
  4. FL-150:  Income and Expense Declaration

Domestic Violence:

  1. DV-500-INFO: Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
  2. DV-100:  Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order
  3. DV-101:  Description of Abuse
  4. DV-105:  Request for Child Custody and Visitation Orders
  5. DV-109:  Notice of Court Hearing
  6. DV-110:  Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TRO)
  7. DV-115:  Request for a New Hearing
  8. DV-116:  Notice of New Hearing and Order on Reissuance
  9. DV-120:  Response to Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order
  10. DV-130:  Restraining Order after Heraing (CLETS-OAH)
  11. DV-200:  Proof of Personal Service
  12. DV-250:  Proof of Service by Mail

Wage Assignment:

  1. FL-195:  Income Withholding Order for Support
  2. FL-196:  Income Withholding Order for Support (Instructions)
  3. FL-430:  Ex Parte Application for Earnings Assignment Order
  4. FL-460:  Qualified Domestic Relations Order for Support
  5. FL-461:  Attachment to Qualified Domestic Relations Order for Support


  1. FL-182:  Judgment Checklist
  2. FL-180:  Judgment

Proofs of Service

  1. FL-115:  Proof of Service of Summons
  2. F:-330:  Proof of Personal Service
  3. FL-335:  Proof of Service by Mail
  4. FL-117:  Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt


  1. MC-025:  Additional Page (can be used as an attachment page for any filing)

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